wow, this setup is awesome

I want to begin by saying that this post was not solicited by the army painter in anyway, just my pure amazment at the product and wanting to recommend it to others.

Before, i have nearly exclusively used GW Citadel brand paints and a dry pallet. Never really even thinned the paints unless really needed. A few days ago i bought this wet palatte and a set of army painter paints. Its AMAZING people. If you want to take up this hobby, i highly recommend these paints and the wet palatte. The paints get thinned out perfectly and the palatte keeps them from drying out between painting sessions. The paint. Is much better then any other brand of paint ive used so far, covers better, vibrant colors. I had already decided to abandon other brands of paint, now after a few days of using this set up i will totally never look back.


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